5 (super short) Videos You Must Have for EVERY Launch

How to create an unfair launch advantage 
(without having to do a lot more work).

They came. They watched. They fell in love.

That’s what happens to your dream clients when they watch your compelling launch videos. 

Use these 5 (super short) videos to create momentum and engagement 
for your digital course, membership, product or coaching.

You’ll get script templates, post ideas and sample scripts from my own launches and from those of my private clients who are doing 

high 5 and 6 figure launches.

5 (super short) Videos You Must Have for Every Launch!

Your easy button to creating momentum and engagement leading up to and during your launch.



A short video announcing that something is coming. I generally release or go live with this video 2 or 3 days prior to "the main event". Its purpose is to build curiosity and anticipation.


It's time for action! The doors to your offer are officially open and this is the super short video you'll use to announce it. This video should go out (or go live) on the day of your cart opens.


Ah, the story video. Undeniably my favorite video in this series. This is how you get your audience to lean in and connect with your offer. Tell a story...it will do the selling for you.


Your value video has one job and one job only...to let people know how good your offer is (in time, money or results). It is a short but very pointed video on why they should invest their time and money with you.


This is your urgency video. You do not want them to miss this offer before the price increases or it goes away. Use this to move the needle on the last day of your open cart.

 "If you’ve ever wondered how to keep your audience excited and engaged, waiting with anticipation for the next step to take, these video scripts are just what you need! "

 - Tracey

 “I want to move more people into action...and these scripts are exactly what I needed .” 

 - Sarah

 "Tracy solved my video-angst problems! I’ve avoided doing my launch because I didn’t know what my video strategy should be and I had no clue what to say. Now, I have no excuses! "

 - Leslie

Hi! I'm Tracy, your new 
video coach.

I know you’re an expert at what you do, but video makes you feel insecure and overwhelmed. 

I know you WANT to make videos for your digital course, membership and coaching launches, but you’re not sure what to say, how long your video should be or how to get viewers to take action.

And THIS my friend, is my magic sauce and why 5 (super short) videos you must have for EVERY LAUNCH script bundle is your easy button to creating momentum and engagement leading up to and during your launch.

It’s 100% comprehensive, customizable and a complete time saver.

I have 20 years of pro video experience and I’m going to help you quickly cut to the core of your message and help you deliver it authentically and in an engaging way.

You deserve to step into your light and show the world you’re here and ready - and I’m going to help you do that with video.



  •  ★ 5 Videos ★
  • ★ 5 Script Templates ★
  • ★ Sample Posts ★
  • ★ Sample Scripts from Actual Launches ★
  • [BONUS] Launch Calendars 

  • ★ [BONUS] What to Wear on Cheat Sheet ★

  •  [BONUSHow to Schedule a Facebook Live Video Tutorial ★

  •  ★[BONUS] How to Light With Glasses Video Tutorial ★